Shannon Jarrell


Contact Information


9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0208
La Jolla, CA 92093-0208

Phone: (858) 534-2059


Curriculum Vitae


2014M.S. Biology, University of California, San Diego. Advisor: Paul K. Dayton
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
2011B.S. Major: Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution/Biology, Minor: Psychology
University of California, San Diego

Employment History:

2014Staff Research Associate
Dayton Laboratory, Integrative Oceanography Department
Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UCSD
2009 – 2014Student Research Assistant
Dayton Laboratory, Integrative Oceanography Department
Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UCSD

Teaching Experience

2013Graduate Teaching Assistant, UCSD. Course: Conservation and the Human Predicament, Marine Conservation Section
2010 – 2011Undergraduate Tutor, UCSD. Course: Conservation and the Human Predicament, Marine Conservation Section.

Publications and Presentations

Masters ThesisJarrell S. (2014). Anthropogenic Stress on Algal Turf Communities: Effects of Urban Storm Drain Effluent on Meiofaunal Survival.
Peer-reviewed articleDayton PK, Kim S, Jarrell SC, Oliver JS, Hammerstrom K, et al. (2013) Recruitment, Growth and Mortality of an Antarctic Hexactinellid Sponge, Anoxycalyx joubini. PLoS ONE 8(2): e56939.
Contributed TalkWestern Naturalists Society Conference 2012. Dayton PK, Jarrell S, Robilliard GA, Oliver JS, Barry JP, Thurber A. Perspectives of 100 Years of Sponge Ecology at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.
PosterWestern Naturalists Society Conference 2012. Jarrell SC, Dayton PK. Effects of Storm Drain Effluent on Intertidal Micro-invertebrate Survival.
Contributed posterSCAR Conference 2012. Dayton PK, Kim S, Conlan K, Jarrell S. Episodic Growth of Sponges on Artificial Structures in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.
PosterSan Diego City College Honors Symposium, 2008. Honeybee Feeding Behavior. Mentor: Dr. James Nieh, UCSD.